Frequently Asked Questions


What do you offer foster parents?

Our primary goal is to help you succeed.

We get it, this is a wonderful and challenging adventure. Fostering Hope Catawba Valley was started in Catawba County and expanded to the Catawba Valley to work in tandem with other resources like the Department of Social Services. We seek to partner with foster parents to provide resources as you journey through foster care. Need help? Fill out the form by clicking here.


Wonderful! Fostering Hope survives solely through community donations.

We are a 501c3 organization that needs your help! You can support us through monetary donations or our Amazon List.

That sounds awesome, I’d love to support FHCV!


I think I might want to be a Foster Parent! How do I get started?

Fostering will always be a need, and we’d love to help you explore the process.

We partner with local agencies and we’d love to help connect you. We also have a podcast that provides conversation for those who might wish to be foster parents—we cover everything from navigating the system to the emotions that come with figuring out the process. Simply and directly, if you are feeling a nudge you need to explore the possibilities!